Journal Writes | #6. Heroes | Digital Portfolio

#6. Heroes

With the state the world's in right now, we desperately need heroes. Not super heroes, but just people, and large amounts of them, with enough common sense to help do the things that would cause wars to end, violence to lessen, world hunger to slow, and so much more. Because a unified group of dedicated people can be just as effective as Superman or Spider-Man.

Firefighters & paramedics save countless lives every day, and they're alone heroes. But one problem is that other people, who could and should be "heroes", sometimes aren't. Police are corrupt and incredibly trigger-happy toward minorities in certian areas of the world. Politicians make empty promises, and pour gasoline on the burning fire that is the issues of this world. These people have the power to help fix things, and yet they don't. They're in this for the money. Nothing else, themselves.

There's still things we can do, but not very much. Politicans have a majority of power, but tend to be corrupt. And while our systems of check and balances are preventing major corruption, these politicans are still fueling the fire here. So many of the world's problems are caused by basic human stupidity, and incompetence. But that's just my take. You don't have to agree, but there you are.

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